Hi guys, I’m not going to sugarcoat this, I think it’s best to give it to y’all direct.
On October 9th, 2021, after gamenight I’ll be stepping down from my position as Event Coordinator here in the hub. This decision was certainly one of the hardest I’ve ever considered, but I feel like this choice was the best possible one for me to move forward as a person.
Because of this, we’ll be playing Black Ops 2 as my one last gamenight for all of you guys.
It was a fun year and half with all of you! I will never forget all of the gamenights we did, or any of the great memories we made together.
You guys are the backbone of this community. Not one of us would be motivated to come here and celebrate the legacy of this great console without you guys!
Before I go, remember that the world is yours and you can accomplish anything you put your mind into.
Stay hungry, stay foolish
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